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In the dynamic world of academics, there is a need to develop new strategies to meet the ever-rising demands for academic excellence and increase the student's enrollment in the discipline. The Department of Geography & Natural Resource Management, Maseno University in collaboration with a team of educators, academics, and career mentors drawn from all categories of secondary school in Kenya, had the privilege to host a one-day capacity-building seminar for Deans of Studies and Heads of departments. The seminar took place on 15th March 2024 at Maseno University Main Campus New Tuition Block South Wing Amphitheatre from 8.00am to 5.00 pm.

The Vice-Chancellor Maseno University Prof. Julius O. Nyabundi giving his remarks.

The delegates had a golden opportunity to be addressed by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Julius O. Nyabudi. The seminar was attended by 167 delegates.

Currently, the department has 4 active Programmes namely

  • BSC. Geography & NRM with IT
  • BSc Climate Change & Development with IT
  • Masters of Arts in Geography
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Geography
Chair of Department of Geography Maseno University Dr. Irene Mutavi (3rd from left) leads some delegates to tour the Campus
Mr Peter Nyawach Deputy principal Academics Maseno school, giving his remarks
The Chair of Department Geography & NRM with the seminar coordinators sharing light moments with the Vice-Chancellor, Maseno University
(Left-right) Mr Wyclif Juma-Dean of studies Agoro Sare High school, Mr James Kabaraka Deputy Principal Kanga High school, Mr. Patrick Mboya D.O's Maseno school and Mr Odeyo D.o's Kisumu Girls
Heads of Departments Cardinal Otunga High school Mosocho- Kisii
Heads of Department Huma Girls in Kisumu posing with Do's .Maseno school
Mr John Thingo Dean of Studies Alliance Girls High School
Delegates receiving certificates after the training